t f v r

Jay Davis

Kai stole a dance (Taken with instagram)

Kai stole a dance (Taken with instagram)

Rockin at Red Canary for the day party, 5hrs and not one…

Rockin at Red Canary for the day party, 5hrs and not one recycled record… (Taken with instagram)

“run, nigga run” (c) ice cube / higher learning …

“run, nigga run” (c) ice cube / higher learning (Taken with instagram)

Cause inside out is ………… (Taken with…

Cause inside out is ………… (Taken with instagram)

My words may not #Convey just what I’m feeling. (Taken…

My words may not #Convey just what I’m feeling. (Taken with instagram)

Lead Never Follow (Taken with instagram)

Lead Never Follow (Taken with instagram)

Call 911!!!

Call 911!!!

TGIFresh 10 Official Recap

TGIFresh 10 Official Recap

#TGIFresh Teaser 

#TGIFresh Teaser 

