t f v r

Reese Johnson

warning sign…

warning sign…

is it the weekend yet

the week is draining, even though I’m not working. its a grind looking for work, creating work for myself as well as balancing life…workouts have been strong, my have workout watch was broken so they really aren’t the same, keeping that crack in that watch tho. cause and effect…

looking out  this fits my mood, time to get back in the clouds…

looking out 

this fits my mood, time to get back in the clouds and practice my spanish 


haven’t been focused on shooting lately, my world has been a bit…intense lately. Going to get out this week, and weekend and shoot, look out for the photos all next week. Make today great.

ps this is the first pic i ever took with my Nikon


“parting shots are only good if there is alcohol involved…”

Kobe Mens TC Elevate hoodie—-haven’t posted anything…

Kobe Mens TC Elevate hoodie—-haven’t posted anything sneaker or sportswear related in forever…this hoodie is amazing, and will rock well all fall…when i cop lol. this on the short list 

3:04 am

3am, can’t sleep, not focused on any of my projects, or job hunting thru my headaches, or my restlessness. having a racing mind and no facility to put the ideas down is difficult. and I’m afraid of silence…so basketball wives is droning on in the background, their fakery/fuckery is a welcome distraction, lets see how long the effects last.



keep optimism, keep grinding, keep executing, it will all work out…

keep optimism, keep grinding, keep executing, it will all work out…

if someone told you that you have a year to live, what would you do?

if someone told you that you have a year to live, what would you do?